[imp] Changing address format default in RC4?

Jan Schneider jan@horde.org
Thu, 27 Dec 2001 17:16:56 +0100

Zitat von Lloyd Zusman <ljz@asfast.com>:

> Quoting Jan Schneider <jan@horde.org>:
> > What you see in the from line - if you have identities enabled - is a
> > 
> > combination of the email address and the identity name. The From
> > header is 
> > sent like it used to be.
> > 
> > Jan.
> Aha!  So ... the format of the "From" line in the Message 
> Composition window doesn't correspond to the format of the 
> "From" line that gets sent out.
> These two items used to correspond in verion 2.3.7, as far as 
> I remember.  Although this is a very minor point, I think that
> it would be better to show the "From" line in the Message 
> Composition window in exactly the same form in which the "From" 
> line appears in the outgoing message.

This was already discussed when we introduced the select box in the from 
line, and the answer is: No.

But perhaps we should change the "From" string to "Identity" if the select 
box is showed and keep the "From" only if we have the old text field 
because of disabled identities? Thoughts?


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