[imp] Unable to resume a draft.

Jeff Tucker jefft@wciatl.com
Thu, 27 Dec 2001 14:12:16 -0500

--On Thursday, December 27, 2001 2:02 PM -0500 Lloyd Zusman 
<ljz@asfast.com> wrote:

> I'm using version 3.0-RC4, and it seems like I'm unable to resume
> any drafts.
> The message I'm trying to resume was put into my drafts folder via
> "Save as Draft" from the Message Composition window.  But when I
> access it in my "drafts" folder, there is no way to resume it.
> Even when I explicitly mark it as a draft, I still seem to be unable
> to resume it.

Are you using Courier IMAP? If so, until very recently, drafts were a 
little bit of a hack. Any message inside a folder named "Drafts" (yes, it 
had to be capitalized) was considered a draft. Any message anywhere else 
was not. Individual messages didn't have a "draft" flag that could be set.

I haven't tested it, but this was supposedly fixed about a month ago. 
Assuming you're using Courier, either rename your drafts folder "Drafts" or 
upgrade your server.


Jeff Tucker
Williams Consulting, Inc.