[imp] Unable to resume a draft.

Lloyd Zusman ljz@asfast.com
Thu, 27 Dec 2001 14:15:44 -0500

Quoting Jeff Tucker <jefft@wciatl.com>:

> Are you using Courier IMAP? If so, until very recently, drafts were a
> little bit of a hack. Any message inside a folder named "Drafts"
> (yes, it 
> had to be capitalized) was considered a draft. Any message anywhere
> else 
> was not. Individual messages didn't have a "draft" flag that could be
> set.
> I haven't tested it, but this was supposedly fixed about a month ago.
> Assuming you're using Courier, either rename your drafts folder
> "Drafts" or 
> upgrade your server.
> Jeff

Aha! ... yes, I'm using Courier, and my drafts folder is named 
"drafts" (lower case "d").  I'll rename it start with a "D".

You mentioned upgrading my server.  Upgrading to what? ... a newer
version of Courier?  ... or different IMAP software altogether?

Thank you very much.

 Lloyd Zusman
 God bless you.