don't display folders at login screen?
Matt Richard
Tue, 08 Jan 2002 11:30:56 -0500
I am using IMP to authenticate users, via IMAP.
I am not allowing users to select a server, since our installation is
for one email server only.
How can I make the "Folder Prefix" field become invisible? I don't
want users to be able to specify the folder prefix, and I don't want
anyone to see this field and become confused.
Could this become an option in the imp/config/conf.php , such as
$conf['server']['change_prefix'] = false;
where false means it can't be changed, and isn't displayed on the login screen?
Matt Richard
Access and Security Coordinator
Franklin & Marshall College
P.O. Box 3003
Lancaster, PA 17604-3003
PH: 717-291-4157
FAX: 717-291-4196