[imp] Spellchecking of signature.
Chuck Hagenbuch
Tue, 15 Jan 2002 02:20:18 -0500
Quoting Ren? Jensen <lundeman@tbkol.dk>:
> I've been looking at the spelling.php file, to figure out if I could stop IMP
> from trying to spell-check my signature. (it finds quite some errors in it, ie.
> it works fine)
> Ain't it possible to add a preference to disable spellchecking of the
> signature..??
> When pressing the spell-check button I think it should be possible to check if
> the last "chunk" of text was equal to the signature, and if it was, cut it out
> of the copy which is to be checked for spelling errors...
> And if the signature is preceeded with "--" or whatever... don't spell-check
> them to.
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