[imp] hierarchies in IMP3
Pelayo Gonzalez
Tue, 15 Jan 2002 17:51:13 +0100
Mensaje citado por Philip Steeman <philip.steeman@kh.khbo.be>:
> Hello,
> I saw in the imp/conf.php file that there was an option:
> $conf['server']['hierarchies'] = ''
> If I want to make a shared mailfolder, is this the way to go? What do i
> put between the '' ?
> Where in the filesystem is the folder then situated.
> I know, a lot of questions, but someone told me that one of the strengths
> of MS-Exchange is the use of public folders. So my question is
> obvious: can I do this with IMP-UW-IMAP?
> Thank you for any hints.
> Philip
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Please read the UW-IMAP FAQ:
it have quite good instructions on how to create shared folders and use the mbx
format for it.
Hope this help.