[imp] cyrus imap auto create user

Atif Ghaffar aghaffar@developer.ch
Thu, 17 Jan 2002 07:50:15 +0100

admin wrote:

> Hmm this is a long shot.But does anyone know if there is an addon/patch or some php scripts for automatically adding a cyrus user and asigning a password to him so that it may be used for free mail accounts?
> tnx

There is a patch for Cyrus that alows you to create user's folders on 
successful login.
If you cannot find it let me know. I'll forward it to you.

To create an account for the user you have to setup some scripts 
according to your backend.

Example: If you are using LDAP, then write the scripts to allow users to 
create the account in LDAP. etc. etc.


Atif Ghaffar
           +41 78 845 31 64 ? mobile
           +41 21 351 53 62 ? fax
     http://atifghaffar.com ? www