[imp] change password

Darci Tartari dtartari@portoriogrande.com.br
Tue, 22 Jan 2002 08:21:00 -0200

 I change my my configuration on servers.php  and password patch starts 
to work.  I just take out the host name I was using on
realm property for my imap server on servers.php. The poppasswd don't 
like users like  foo@host.com. It likes just the user foo.

Then everything start to work !

Thanks a lot !

Darci Tartari

Joseph Kacmarcik wrote:

>hi there!
>i'll see what i can find, but there's been a death in the family. i'll be back 
>on wednesday, but if anyone here has a clue what the problem might be before 
>then, it'd be great.
>tty soon!
>good day!
>Quoting Darci Tartari <dtartari@portoriogrande.com.br>:
>>When I try to change the password trough IMP using your patch it gives 
>>me the page to fill the old and the new password as expected but when I 
>>submit the form it gives the error:
>>Warning: Undefined property: fp in 
>>/usr/local/data.default/horde/passwd/poppassd.php on line 21
>>I tried to look at poppassd.php on line 21 to guess what is happening 
>>but I must confess my knowledge in PHP is not so great. In fact its poor !
>>So I came here to find someone who could help me to solve this problem.