[imp] error adding to address book

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck@horde.org
Wed, 30 Jan 2002 11:45:36 -0500

Quoting Edward Wildgoose <Edward.Wildgoose@FRMHedge.com>:

> Spoke too soon.  I can now add contacts by going directly into
> AddressBook, but if I click on the little icon besides someones name in
> IMP, it comes straight back to the message screen with the grey error
> box "This Person is already in your addressbook" (but they aren't)

Known bug, fixed in RELENG_1 and HEAD.

> Now, a few moments ago I was getting error messages about Uncompress and
> deserialise, but they seem to have gone away between then and now.  The
> only things that I have touched are the hostname for the mysql server in
> turba (gone from '', to 'localhost') and tweaking the compressed option
> to false (flicking this back to true did not recreate the error)...

Without knowing what those messages were, no idea.

> As an aside I use mod_gzip on Apache and notice that turning off
> compress in config/horde gives a marginally smaller output and the page
> appears noticably quicker on the browser (IE 5.5).  This could well be
> due to config issues such as mod_gzip imposing an overhead when php has
> compressed already, but I don't think so (looking at the logs)

Compressing things twice can't be efficient...


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
"What was and what may be, lie, like children whose faces we cannot see, in the
arms of silence. All we ever have is here, now." - Ursula K. Le Guin