return email addresses - HELP
Sat, 2 Feb 2002 00:12:10 -0600
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I have a problem that I hope someone can help me with.
When someone sends and email from Imp 2.2.6 the return email says I found the config file that Dragonwolf listed
where the config file should be:
// If a user uses the default server, what domain should we send mail
// If a user uses the default server, what domain should we send mail
// from? For example, if the default server is '', and
// you want mail to be sent from, instead of
//, you should set $default->from_server to
// ''.
$default->from_server = $ServerName;
my config file is:
$default ->from_server = '';
but it does not seem to work. Any suggestions?
Znet Telecom
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