[imp] CRAM-MD5 Issue: a flow diagram, of sorts ...

Marc G. Fournier scrappy@hub.org
Thu, 14 Feb 2002 21:12:08 -0400 (AST)

On Thu, 14 Feb 2002, Jan Schneider wrote:

> Zitat von "Marc G. Fournier" <scrappy@hub.org>:
> > Does this help?  Can I provide any more detail that might shed further
> > light on this?
> It's hard to reproduce what actually happens, because the line numbers are
> shifted due to your syslog() calls.
> If I understood you right the 2nd call to imap_open() fails. You also said
> it uses the same username and password. So the only thing that may differ
> is the flag. Can you confirm this?

Actually, I had included all of that in my report ... in both cases, flags
was set to 64 ...

But, you do bring up something that I had overlooked ...

The first authenticate is around line 172 in imp/lib/IMP.php:

syslog(LOG_DEBUG, __FILE__.": ".__LINE__." prior to IMP::authenticate");
        if (IMP::authenticate(OP_HALFOPEN) === true) {
syslog(LOG_DEBUG, __FILE__.": ".__LINE__." after IMP::authenticate");

the second one is around line 34 of imp/lib/api.php:

        syslog(LOG_DEBUG , __FILE__ . ": ". __LINE__ );
    if (IMP::authenticate(OP_HALFOPEN, true) === true) {
        syslog(LOG_DEBUG , __FILE__ . ": ". __LINE__ );


Looking at authenticate itself, the default value for $setup is 'false',
which is what the 'good one' is using, while the one that fails is setting
it to true ...

    function authenticate($flags = 0, $setup = false)

        if ($setup) {
            $retval = IMP::setupSession();
            if ($retval !== true) {
                return $retval;

Does this help any?