customizing turba..where are the docs ??

Robert Hendelman Jr
Thu, 21 Feb 2002 10:11:59 -0600


I want to customize Turbas field names that it stores for use with imp. 
I have some users that need to import outloook express address books
(and possibly netscape messenger address books) into IMP/Turba to move
their mail over to the imp system.  Where are the docs to do this ?  In
the turba/docs there is nothing really interesting that I can find about
what files I need to change.  I also lookd in turba/config but didn't
see any documentation explaining all the files I needed to change,
although I'm guessing attributes.php (after looking at source) is one

Is there a definitive guide to do this ?  Is there more detailed
descriptions of the source files that I'm missing ?  Do I also need to
change the database structure ? (I'm using PostGreSQL).  I'm fairly
proficient in postgresql but am newer at php.



(running latest stable version of imp & turba)