[imp] Addressbook from compose window
boiboi alavaren
Mon, 25 Feb 2002 16:07:12 +0800
sorry, what I meant was it's not showing...
Quoting boiboi alavaren <boiboi@stberlin.com>:
+ Hi,
+ I applied the patch... tried both RELENG and CURRENT but there is no icon
+ for
+ <a href="#" onmouseout="status='';" onmouseover="status='<?= _
+ ("Addressbook") ?>';
+ return true;" onclick="window.open('<?= $registry->getWebRoot('turba') ?
+ >/search.php?openfromcompose=true')" class="menuitem">
+ <img src="<?= $registry->getGraphicsPath('turba') ?>/turba.gif" border=0
+ ></a>
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