[imp] Bug creating sent mail folder

Jeff Tucker jefft@wciatl.com
Wed, 27 Feb 2002 10:16:58 -0500

[Summary: creating a new sent mail folder when creating a new identity 
seems to store the sent mail folder wrong in the preferences.]

--On Wednesday, February 27, 2002 1:04 PM +0100 Jan Schneider 
<jan@horde.org> wrote:
> Can you verify this by looking at the identities entry in you prefs
> table?  It should store all the folders without folder prefixes and
> namespaces.
> Jan.

Sure, here's a little snippet out of the horde prefs table for my 
preferences. The line is quite long, of course, so I just grabbed a piece 
out of the middle:


I believe that "INBOX" isn't supposed to be there, right?

Sorry, if I were a PHP guru I'd just fix this myself and send you the 
patch. I'm guessing it's a simple problem.


Jeff Tucker
Williams Consulting, Inc.