What's the difference?

Sunny Wong sunny@zsuninet.com
Thu, 7 Mar 2002 15:56:51 +0800

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I use qmail-ldap and courier-imp and imp 3.0. They work fine. But one thing
make me puzzled.
I created new folder in Chinese name with IMP.
It's ok ,but only in IMP itself.
When I return to outlook express, it can not display the folder name in
chinese correctly, only the encoded name and can not rename them. The
server's response is "The name include invalid character".
I can create nre fold and named it in chinese in outlook express. And it
work fine,but only in outlook itself.
When I return IMP,the same thing happed.
What's the difference between IMP and outlook?
What kind of encode way does IMP use?

---------------------- multipart/alternative attachment--

>From chuck@horde.org Date: Thu,  7 Mar 2002 02:57:58 -0500
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Date: Thu,  7 Mar 2002 02:57:58 -0500
From: Chuck Hagenbuch <chuck@horde.org>
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Subject: RE: [imp] Undefined index: msgl

Quoting Apis Hytt <php3dev@carousel.tabcat.com>:

> 	o Looks like CVS php-4.2-dev indeed has some issues with
> 		horde-imp and friends; as other(s) have seen the
> 		same **msgl** error.

I'm using 4.2-dev, and things work fine for me...


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
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