[imp] can´t see any .php pages with apache on debian

sebastian segeth sebastian.segeth@fernuni-hagen.de
Thu, 07 Mar 2002 14:42:29 +0100

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I have to do them but  i had  before all  type also .php3 .php4 there 

now i can work again

Tiago Fioreze wrote:

>  Hi !!!
>  You it made this ? 
>  php4.1.x/INSTALL :
>  "The only thing left to do is to edit your httpd.conf file and make sure the
>PHP 4 mime type is there and uncommented.  You need a line that looks like
>   AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
>Then restart your server (apachectl restart) and you should be able to
>serve up PHP files now.  Make a test file called test.php and put some
>PHP tags in it.  Like <?phpinfo()?>, for example."
>  Tiago
>Citando sebastian segeth <sebastian.segeth@fernuni-hagen.de>:
>>Hi all,
>>i have to configure my apache httpd.conf
>>and i canīt even so see the .php pages!
>>I want to use  apache + php with dynamic modules
>>but i think thatīs is not my really problem.
>>Pleasy help my
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Subject: Re: [imp] IMAP Functions !!!

Zitat von Tiago Fioreze <tapera@inf.ufsm.br>:

>        Hi !!!
>        I would like to know where the functions of the IMAP used by PHP
> are 
> defined, such as : imap_sort(), imap_open(), etc...

In PHP's imap extension:


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