[imp] mail folders an umlauts

Robert Marchand robert.marchand@UMontreal.CA
Thu, 07 Mar 2002 11:32:10 -0500


I don't understand the "c-client" thing.  If this problem and mine are 
related to the imap_utf7 functions then it is only a PHP matter.  I say 
this after having looked in the folder ext/imap in PHP.  The functions 
about utf7 there do not call any c-client function.

As I have replied in an other mail, I know now that Exchange sends NULL 
bytes (after decoding).  This may be what's break the IMP behaviour.  If I 
am missing something, please explain to me.


At 10:45 02-03-06 -0500, you wrote:
>Quoting Michael Redinger <Michael.Redinger@uibk.ac.at>:
> > The result is that IMP can generate folders with umlauts, but the result
> > isn't compatible with other mail programs.
>The test folders which I have created both by hand and with IMP - unicode
>characters, etc. - are readable both by IMP and Mozilla Mail. Test with=
>if pine produces the same behavior that IMP does, which I'm guessing it=
>then the problem is in c-client and that's what needs to be fixed. There's=
>way we can rely on the mbstring extension and expect all of our users to=
>it compiled in at this point...
>Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
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Robert Marchand                 tél: 343-6111 poste 5210
DGTIC-SIT                       e-mail: robert.marchand@umontreal.ca
Université de Montréal          Montréal, Canada