[imp] Fwd: Re: servers.php

Jorge Izquierdo jizquierdo@sgi.es
Fri, 08 Mar 2002 11:59:40 +0100

Hi again, I have found this forwarded message on the IMP list ans this is
exactly what I like to behaeve my IMP server like. I thought than setting the
IMAP server from an LDAP lookup was possible from the imp_get_vinfo function.
Whatīs the way to perform this? May I set up the IMAP server editing another
fils? I have posted quite a lot of questions regarding to this subject
(imp_get_vinfo) if you like more information about my problem.

Thanks a lot for helping me.


Jan Schneider wrote:

> ----- Weitergeleitete Nachricht von Jigme Tenzing <mirage09_79@yahoo.co=
m> --
> ---
>     Datum: Wed, 27 Feb 2002 02:47:20 -0800 (PST)
>     Von: Jigme Tenzing <mirage09_79@yahoo.com>
> Antwort an: Jigme Tenzing <mirage09_79@yahoo.com>
>  Betreff: Re: servers.php
>       An: Jan Schneider <jan@horde.org>
> Hi,
> Thanks for the info, but I'm still a bit confused.Is
> it possible for me to spercify, more than one imap
> server, in /imp/config/servers.php? but that still
> doesn't solve my problem since I still have to choose
> the correct imap server. what I have, I mean my code
> is something like this. I actually have a function.
> <?GetmailServer($imp['user'])
>         {
>                 connects to the ldap server, and retrieves, the
> actual mailHost and returns it.
>         }
> ?>
> but I'm still a bit perplexed about where I should put
> the code, is it possible for me to add the function
> mentioned above into servers.php, like so:
> $mailhost = GetmailServer($imp['user']);
> $servers['imap'] = array(
> 'name' => 'IMAP Server',
> 'server' => $mailhost,
> 'protocol' => 'imap',
> 'port' => '143',
> 'folders' => 'mail/',
> 'namespace' => '',
> 'smtphost' => $mailhost,
> 'realm' => 'domain',
> 'prefered' => ''
> );
> warning: undefined variable imp in
> /imp/config/servers.php
> warning undefined offset 0 in mailServer.inc( the file
> that has the function GetmailServer()).
> Please tell me if I'm headed in the right direction,
> or do I have to do something entirely different, like
> you said add some code in Redirect.php. I hope you can
> help me out.
> Thanks,
> Jigme Tenzing.
> =====
> Jigme Tenzing.
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> Jan.
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Jorge Izquierdo Alonso
e-mail: jizquierdo@sgi.es
Tfn: +34 91 806 16 00 (switchboard)
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