[imp] imap_sort(..., options)

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck@horde.org
Mon, 11 Mar 2002 11:44:17 -0500

Quoting Tiago Fioreze <tapera@inf.ufsm.br>:

>        Is the parameter 'options' in the function imap_sort( ) can receive
> two values ?

No, there is another parameter, a search string, which isn't in the PHP docs.

>        I ask this because my connection with my mail server dies when the 
> options above is passed as argument by IMP 3.0. I have running IMP 2.2.7 that
> uses this function but the parameter 'options' always has an only value and
> IMP 2.2.7 works very well with the same mail server.

Does the same thing happen when you do a search?


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
"A dream which helps you to live your reality with dignity
 and justice is a good dream." - Tariq Ramadan