Horde Summary page refresh (tied to IMP)

Ahmed ashihab@alcahest.com
Mon, 11 Mar 2002 17:15:10 +0000

I've been after a way of automatically refreshing the summary page in 
Horde to monitor all my inboxes. The following is the only way I can 
find that does not break nor assume any functionality or dependancies.

The refresh rate is taken from imp prefs and uses a horrible hack 
(META tags in the body of HTML) to make it work.

I've only tested this in IE 5.* so I've no idea whether this works 
for other browsers...ie no flames please

added the following:

    $refresh_time = $prefs->getValue('refresh_time');
    if ($refresh_time > 0) {
        $html .= '<META HTTP-EQUIV="Refresh" CONTENT="' . 
$refresh_time . ';">';

to the end of the function impSummary in imp/lib/api.php

Hope someone finds this interesting/useful.
