Compose windows problem !

Nicolas Foucou
Mon, 11 Mar 2002 19:51:32 +0100

Hi all again,

I'm sorry to insist but I can't find solution to my problem alone
(trying 3 days ago)!
The problem is that when I want to send, reply or forward a message,
I've the good compose windows for each action but when I click send the
message button,
the windows re-apear blank and the message is not sent ?!?
I try to put some test code in compose.php (for seeing where does my
action go) but don't find out any informations (no more in
/tmp/horde.log, no more in /var/log/messages...) 
Does somebody have an idea about this problem ? (it's really recent,
appear last week.. but I didn't modify alnything :(...)

Thank by advance

Nicolas Foucou -
Centre de Calcul - Université de Cergy-Pontoise
Rue d'Eragny - Neuville sur Oise - 95031 Cergy-Pontoise Cedex
Tel. 01 34 25 70 99 - Fax. 01 34 25 70 04