[imp] Once again, a job well done! (kudos and tips)
Nicolas Foucou
Thu, 21 Mar 2002 12:28:33 +0100
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Hi Darien,
Thank a lot and really I've make a install.sh script myself , with all
that you give me there, last week.
I would give the same to the list but when I check my conf, I observ my
gettext problem.
I've already install apache and imap with good 'obscur' options too ;)
(around few 4 hours to find out this !)
Now, I'm really disapointed because I can't install correctly gettext
(with TAR file).
What can I do ? RPM ?
PS : I can give my script and informations if anybody is interested...
but may be (surely?) there's option problem with gettext instalation.
"Darien M. Kruss" a écrit :
> Once again I am writing to the entire Horde and associated project
> teams (IMP in particular) to thank them for a job well done in
> providing a useful, functional and free tool for us to use.
> Roughly a year ago I took the plunge and installed Horde and IMP 2.2.
> This past week I made the smooth upgrade to IMP 3.1 (and turba,
> kronolith, nag, nic, orator as well) on a Red Hat 7.2/mySQL/uw-imap
> server.
> What follows are a listing of a few resources that I found extremely
> useful along the way. I post them here in the hopes that they will
> make it into the FAQ or at least be searchable when other folks run
> into trouble.
> 1. Apache Compile HOWTO
> http://www.delouw.ch/linux/apache.phtml
> Incredibly easy step-by-step instructions to getting nearly all
> the components you could ever need downloaded, compiled, installed
> and running on your server. I followed version 1.9.10 (09-Mar-2002)
> to the letter with only minor exceptions. I kept my default mySQL
> install, for instance.
> 2. Tricky imap-2001a
> http://www.ultraviolet.org/mail-archives/imp.2002/0489.html
> This particular page covered a few otherwise obscure options about
> compiling the uw-imap c-client properly, specifically :
> cd imap-2001a
> make clean
> make slx SSLTYPE=unix
> Before compiling PHP - need to prepare for imap c-client:
> cd imap-2001a/c-client
> cp c-client.a /usr/lib
> cp rfc822.h mail.h linkage.h /usr/include
> 3. Compiling PHP 4.1.2 as a dynamic module
> make clean
> make dist clean
> ./configure \
> --with-apxs=/usr/local/apache/bin/apxs \
> --with-mysql=/usr/local/mysql \
> --enable-track-vars \
> --with-openssl=/usr/local/ssl \
> --with-imap=/usr/local/src/imap-2001a \
> --with-gd \
> --with-ldap \
> --enable-ftp \
> --enable-sysvsem \
> --enable-sysvshm \
> --enable-sockets \
> --with-pdflib=/usr/local \
> --with-gettext \
> --with-mm=/usr/local/src/mm-1.1.3 \
> --with-jpeg-dir=/usr/lib \
> --with-zlib-dir=/usr/local \
> --with-mcrypt \
> --with-kerberos \
> --with-mcal=../libmcal
> make
> make install
> restart apache
> Viola! Everything works (after installing horde/imp/etc and modifying
> the configs)
> --
> Darien M. Kruss
> darien@kruss.com
> --
> IMP mailing list: http://horde.org/imp/
> Archive: http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=imp&r=1&w=2
> Frequently Asked Questions: http://horde.org/faq/
> To unsubscribe, mail: imp-unsubscribe@lists.horde.org
Nicolas Foucou - Nicolas.Foucou@cdc.u-cergy.fr
Centre de Calcul - Université de Cergy-Pontoise
Rue d'Eragny - Neuville sur Oise - 95031 Cergy-Pontoise Cedex
Tel. 01 34 25 70 99 - Fax. 01 34 25 70 04
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