Safe Mode
jan groene
Sat, 23 Mar 2002 19:36:10 +0000
Isn't there anyone from the horde team who may help me ?
Hi all,
after searching through this list on the archives and reviewing the FAQs
(found no hint there, sorry)....
IMP 3.0 with Horde 2.0 is used on Apache 1.3.23 / PHP 4.1.2 in Safe Mode
with Linux 2.4.17.
I've got the following problem here: When sending mails with attachments the
receiver get's the mail with the attachments inside but with a size of zero,
i.e. the message body contains only the MIME header with the file's
information, but without any content. This applies to any attachment. I
could not find any information about eventual errors in the webserver's
logfile about this. I only noticed that there are (AND remain) those
impattxxxxx files present with 0bytes in the upload_tmp_directory... all
required settings related to PHP are present in the .ini file. Now the crazy
thing: If I switch Safe Mode off everything works fine, the attachment
tempfile gets deleted and the mail with the attachment successfully reaches
it's destination. Sorry, I may be dumb but as stated above I did not find
any resource of information about running in Safe Mode so please help me out
with this issue.... All other features are running fine, I'm very content
with IMP!
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