[imp] File doesn't exist problems

Richard E. Long rlong@abofa.com
Sat, 23 Mar 2002 17:25:27 -0600

Quoting Chuck Hagenbuch <chuck@horde.org>:

> Quoting Jan Schneider <jan@horde.org>:
> > Yes, I think. Though I didn't have time to fiddle with it exactly. All 
> > these problems (with several file types and IE) disappeared when I
> > applied the cache_ssl_download instruction also on non ssl connections. 
> > But this is currently only possible globally and of course we only want 
> > this if we have a VIEW_ATTACH action in view.php and no mime driver 
> > defined for that mime type.
> We could live with globally, if it solved the problems. Unfortunately, 
> that doesn't seem to do it for me... I changed it to use 'private, must-
> revalidate' on all IE downloads, and I still get the same problems... ?
> > Can we override a session_cache_limiter() with a different value at a
> > later time? Then we could do that in the VIEW_ATTACH case.
> No, it has to be set before calling session_start(), which happens in 
> Registry.php.
> -chuck

I think the most important thing pointed out by this discussion you guys are
having is the one I didn't think of.  Try Netscape.  It worked just fine.  That
solves my problem.  My Company doesn't care if I use Netscape instead of
Internet Explorer, infact they want less MS shit in house.  I tried 6 (Netscape)
when it came out and it sucked...  Prety happy with it now.



Art Bookbinders of America, Inc.: http://www.abofa.com