question about a multipart/mixed message

Adam Arrowood
Fri, 05 Apr 2002 10:09:10 -0500

(my apologies if this message shows up to the list twice, the first time 
I tried to send it, I recieved an error message)


I'm running Horde 2.0, IMP 3.1 RC1 and am having trouble reading a 
message I received.

The multipart/mixed message was sent from Eudora and has a single 
attachment. The first part of the message is a multipart/alternative 
(text, then html), the second part is the attachment:

=                          =
= multipart/alternative    =
= ------------------------ =
= - text/plain           - =
= ------------------------ =
= - text/html            - =
= ------------------------ =
=                          =
=                          =
= application/octet-stream =
=                          =

What I'm seeing happen on my installations of both imp 3.0 and imp 
3.1RC1 is that one of the alternative parts shows up (depending on if I 
have inline html enabled) but *no* attachment. When viewed on our IMP 
2.2 installation, the attachment shows up.

An edited for security purposes copy of the message is at:

So, is it IMP's problem or Eudora's or my configuration of IMP?

adam arrowood

Adam Arrowood -- --
Office of Information Technology/O&E/CS
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA USA