[imp] imp 3.0 - attachments problem - 0x0a being prepended

Scott Kearney skearney@fas.harvard.edu
Wed, 17 Apr 2002 08:19:01 -0400

Sorry it took so long to get back on this. I hope the reply still 
threads correctly.

The problem turned out to be a bad setting in registry.php and I think 
it had been compounded by some extra lines at the bottom of a few config 
files. The bad setting was:

$this-applications['horde'] = array(
     'fileroot' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/..'

I had it set to:
      'fileroot' => dirname(__FILE__) . ''

..which was a relic of trying to have horde reside directly in the 
htdocs directory. Sloppy error on my part, but the only problem it 
seemed to cause was with viewing attachments. Downloading worked fine, 
and everything else worked fine.

The other problem was was linefeeds at the end of config files. 
Linefeeds after the closing ?> tag in certain files had the effect of 
adding those linefeeds to the top of files sent to the client browser. 
So a .gif attachment would be downloaded correctly, but with a couple of 
blankspace lines prepended to it, the only thing I had which would 
display it correctly was Photoshop.

I appreciate the provision of a demo server that can connect to other 
imap servers over SSL. That was helpful in narrowing the problem down to 
my horde/imp config (and not the imap side of things).
Scott Kearney

On Saturday, March 9, 2002, at 02:17 AM, Chuck Hagenbuch wrote:

> Quoting Scott Kearney <skearney@fas.harvard.edu>:
>> I do not. The demo site worked fine with my test account. My 
>> installation
>> is using open-ssl on the browser end of things, though. I read about 
>> some
>> issues with SSL and attachments in older posts to this list, but did 
>> not
>> find anything conclusive in terms of a resolution. Were these issues
>> isolated? Or is it a known problem?
> It's annoyingly hard to pin on anything. For instance, I use IE against 
> my own
> SSL server every day to read all of my email, and I don't have the 
> problem.
> If you can pin it on a specific set of circumstances, that'd be great.
> -chuck
> --
> Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
> "A dream which helps you to live your reality with dignity
>  and justice is a good dream." - Tariq Ramadan
> --
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