[imp] IMP Preference Options

Romildo Wildgrube romildo@ragingnet.com
Thu, 18 Apr 2002 16:58:07 -0700


I found from the inboxlv site that you can have an Auto Reply (Create a 
vacation message, that will be send back if you are on vacation) and SMS 
Forward (Receive SMS notivication when new e-mail message arrives) 
options under preferences and I'm trying to figure out how to add them 
to my IMP preferences.
I tried to edit the config/prefs.php file under imp and add the 
following entry but I don't know if this is what you need to add or 
change and if so what is the 'members'=> array('') supposed to be for 
Auto Reply and SMS forward?

$prefGroups['forward'] = array(
    'column' => _("Mail Management"),
    'label' => _("Mail Forward"),
    'desc' => _("Specify one or more addresse to which you want to 
forward incoming mails."),
    'members' => array('')

Any help will be much appreciated.
