[imp] IMP Preference Options

Atif Ghaffar aghaffar@developer.ch
Fri, 19 Apr 2002 07:10:00 +0200

These options on inbox.lv are backend related.
They have nothing to do with the MUA (Mail User Agent (mail program: ie- 

If you are using Cyrus as the backend, its pretty simple to setup the 
vacation and mailfrowarding options. for other backends its different.

If you are using Cyrus and are intrerested in these functionalites, then 
let me know, I'll put some patches for the releases.


I wanted to write a filtering/forwarding/auto-responder mechanism, but I 
didnt  because i realized that they are so much system dependent.

For example: a backend of filters for Sieve(Cyrus):
   Tbis was perfectly possible cause they had a transport mechanism.

Try the same for procmail for example:
   One can generate procmail filter from imp filter hash but where to put
   it?? In case of one mail server it works fine but how about when
   there are multiple mailstore servers?

   user1 can have his home directory on serverX


   user2 can have his home directory on serverY

so how to transpot stuff to the right server etc without any clearly 
defined mechanism.

Please dont mention NFS. I'll puke :)


Romildo Wildgrube wrote:
> Hi,
> I found from the inboxlv site that you can have an Auto Reply (Create a 
> vacation message, that will be send back if you are on vacation) and SMS 
> Forward (Receive SMS notivication when new e-mail message arrives) 
> options under preferences and I'm trying to figure out how to add them 
> to my IMP preferences.
> I tried to edit the config/prefs.php file under imp and add the 
> following entry but I don't know if this is what you need to add or 
> change and if so what is the 'members'=> array('') supposed to be for 
> Auto Reply and SMS forward?
> $prefGroups['forward'] = array(
>    'column' => _("Mail Management"),
>    'label' => _("Mail Forward"),
>    'desc' => _("Specify one or more addresse to which you want to 
> forward incoming mails."),
>    'members' => array('')
> );
> Any help will be much appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Romi

Atif Ghaffar
           +41 78 845 31 64 ? tel
     aghaffar@developer.ch  ? email
     http://atifghaffar.com ? www
                    8206786 ? icq