[imp] Undefined variable: SERVER_NAME in IMP 2.2.8
Raul Alvarez Venegas
Fri, 19 Apr 2002 05:06:21 +0000 ( )
It's been sometime now since we set up IMP 2.2.x and now we are trying to
set up Horde 1.2.8/IMP 2.2.8; when loading the IMP setup wizard a warning
messages is shown:
Warning: Undefined variable: SERVER_NAME in
/usr/local/apache/htdocs/horde/imp/config/defaults.php3 on line 350
The line in question is:
349 // What server should poppassd.php3 attempt to connect to?
->>350 $default->poppassd_server = $SERVER_NAME;
352 // What port should poppassd.php3 attempt to connect on (106 is
353 // standard)?
354 $default->poppassd_port = 106;
Has anyone faced this warning message while setting up IMP 2.2.x ?
PHP 4.1.2
c-client from IMAP-2000c (without SSL support)
Apache 1.3.24
I appreciate your comments. Thanks!