[imp] IMP Preference Options

Romildo Wildgrube romildo@ragingnet.com
Fri, 19 Apr 2002 08:20:57 -0700

Hi Atif,

Thanks for your response. I'm currenlty using Exchange as my backend 
server and since it is a Microsoft beast I assume I won't be able to 
have the funcitionaly.  Let me know if you have any suggestions.


Atif Ghaffar wrote:

> <short>
> These options on inbox.lv are backend related.
> They have nothing to do with the MUA (Mail User Agent (mail program: 
> ie- IMP))
> If you are using Cyrus as the backend, its pretty simple to setup the 
> vacation and mailfrowarding options. for other backends its different.
> If you are using Cyrus and are intrerested in these functionalites, 
> then let me know, I'll put some patches for the releases.
> </short>
> <long>
> I wanted to write a filtering/forwarding/auto-responder mechanism, but 
> I didnt  because i realized that they are so much system dependent.
> For example: a backend of filters for Sieve(Cyrus):
>   Tbis was perfectly possible cause they had a transport mechanism.
> Try the same for procmail for example:
>   One can generate procmail filter from imp filter hash but where to put
>   it?? In case of one mail server it works fine but how about when
>   there are multiple mailstore servers?
>   user1 can have his home directory on serverX
>   and
>   user2 can have his home directory on serverY
> so how to transpot stuff to the right server etc without any clearly 
> defined mechanism.
> Please dont mention NFS. I'll puke :)
> </long>
> Romildo Wildgrube wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I found from the inboxlv site that you can have an Auto Reply (Create 
>> a vacation message, that will be send back if you are on vacation) 
>> and SMS Forward (Receive SMS notivication when new e-mail message 
>> arrives) options under preferences and I'm trying to figure out how 
>> to add them to my IMP preferences.
>> I tried to edit the config/prefs.php file under imp and add the 
>> following entry but I don't know if this is what you need to add or 
>> change and if so what is the 'members'=> array('') supposed to be for 
>> Auto Reply and SMS forward?
>> $prefGroups['forward'] = array(
>>    'column' => _("Mail Management"),
>>    'label' => _("Mail Forward"),
>>    'desc' => _("Specify one or more addresse to which you want to 
>> forward incoming mails."),
>>    'members' => array('')
>> );
>> Any help will be much appreciated.
>> Thanks,
>> Romi