[imp] Upgrading to RH 7.3

Mike Barsalou mbarsalou@aidea.org
Fri, 10 May 2002 15:12:05 -0800

I recently upgraded a working IMP from RH 7.2 to RH 7.3.  I needed to edit
the include paths to the new version of pear.  It is now located in
/usr/share/pear instead of /usr/share/php.

This include paths need to be changed in:

/etc/httpd/conf/horde.conf (I think this file is used by horde rpm install)

Anyone want to confirm or deny this?


Here is my test.php page:

Horde Versions

Horde: 2.0 
IMP: 3.0 
Turba: 1.0 
Kronolith: 0.0.3 

PHP Version

View phpinfo() screen 
PHP Version: 4.1.2 
PHP Major Version: 4.1 
PHP Minor Version: 2 
PHP Version Classification: release 
You are running a supported version of PHP.

PHP Module Capabilities

FTP Support: Yes 
Gettext Support: Yes 
IMAP Support: Yes 
LDAP Support: Yes 
MCAL Support: No 
Mcrypt Support: No 
MySQL Support: Yes 
PostgreSQL Support: No 
XML Support: Yes 

Miscellaneous PHP Settings

magic_quotes_runtime set to Off: Yes 

PHP Sessions

Session counter: 1 
To unregister the session: click here 
PEAR - Yes 
Recent PEAR - Yes 
Mail::RFC822 - Yes 
Log - Yes 
DB - Yes