[imp] Re: imp Digest, Vol 27, Issue 1

Michael M Slusarz slusarz@bigworm.colorado.edu
Sat, 11 May 2002 22:17:15 -0600

Quoting Robert Hendelman <rob@naseca.net>:

| My sent-mail folder hasn't been renamed to sent-mail-april 
| My trash folder has mails signifcantly older than 30 days

OK - this is starting to sound more and more like the bug that I previously 
mentioned.  The problem was that individual preferences were not available 
to IMP at the time the maintenance stuff was being run - thus, IMP was only 
seeing only the system-wide preferences and was not saving any information 
to the preferences system.  This has been fixed in CVS and the fix appears 
in the new release candidates.

Your best course of action is wither to upgrade to the newest version or 
patch your current version:


Michael Slusarz [slusarz@bigworm.colorado.edu]
The University of Colorado at Boulder