[imp] Feature request: skip read/deleted messages
Tero Matinlassi
Thu, 16 May 2002 12:34:35 +0300
I'd like to propose a new feature for IMP (as it's not implemented
AFAIK - correct me if I'm wrong).
When deleting and/or moving messages within the message view, IMP
advances to next message in the folder, if it isn't the last message in
the folder. What I'd like to see, when I delete and/or move a message,
is that IMP would advance to next unread message so that it would skip
any already read and/or deleted messages.
Obviously this should be configurable by user, if (s)he wants this
feature on or off. It could be one option (skip read and deleted) or
two options (skip read and skip deleted).
Tero Matinlassi
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Mail server administration