[imp] RH 7.3 & 3.1 cvs

Craig White craigwhite@azapple.com
17 May 2002 10:43:50 -0700

Updated to RH 7.3 and 3.1cvs no longer workee...

changed /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf to add /usr/share/pear to paths

did this little number...
 a. Mail_Mime

 To install, you must enter the following at the command
 pear install http://pear.php.net/get/Mail_Mime

 Make sure the 'pear' script appears in your path.

 If you receive the error "Could not read cmd args",
 you should run the pear script this way:
 php -d register_argc_argv=1 _PEAR_ install _URL_

(comment - this was 
 php -d register_argc_argv=1 /usr/share/pear install \
 end comment)

 _PEAR_ is the complete path of the pear script installed by PHP
 during installation (e.g. /usr/local/bin/pear).
 _URL_ is the URL, listed above, which you wish to download

And it now workee - didn't have to remove PHP and install horde's
special versions...YMMV but I thought I would post up my results. Thanks
for the terrific work guys.
