[imp] Turning off 'Purge Deleted' when use_trash is a Bad Thing

Michael M Slusarz slusarz@bigworm.colorado.edu
Sun, 19 May 2002 23:41:19 -0600

Quoting Christopher Audley <audley@cnsolutionsllc.com>:

| I've been testing RELENG_3, which will presumably be RC3, and come 
| across one problem that will really confuse users.  When the option to 
| move deleted messages to the trash folder is set to true, the 'Hide 
| Deleted' and 'Purge Deleted' commands are no longer presented to the
| user.
| This assumes that no messages marked deleted will be in folders other 
| than 'Trash'.  This may be true when IMP is the only MUA that users are 
| using, but it is generally false.  Netscape 6.x, for instance, follows 
| the move to Trash paradigm but only occationally does a folder 
| compaction which is responsible for removing files marked for deletion. 
|  Outlook Express default to just marking messages for deletion.
| The result is that users will often see files marked for deletion in 
| their mailboxes that they can neither hide nor purge when using IMP.

Changed in CVS.  Take a look at:

We should merge this if it doesn't break anything for 3.1


Michael Slusarz [slusarz@bigworm.colorado.edu]
The University of Colorado at Boulder