[imp] last login? + HINTs bar + icons in themes?

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck@horde.org
Mon, 20 May 2002 20:21:49 -0400

Quoting Paul Reilly <pareilly@tcd.ie>:

>     $_prefs['last_login']                  and
>     $_prefs['show_last_login']  ?

last_login stores the value of the last login time. show_last_login is a
boolean saying whether or not to display it.

> 2) Also is there a patch to provide a "HINTS: this is a hint" type bar
>    in IMP? I've seen this at the excellent inbox.lv site by
>    Atif Ghaffar.

No, but that'd be great if someone contributed it.

> 3) Lastly, are there any plans to integrate the icons/graphics path
>    with themes? That way we could have a different icon set for each
>    theme.

It's been discussed, but nothing was definitively decided...


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
My intuitive grasp of mathmatics often leads me astray.