[imp] Login Failed

Emily Stemmerich estemmer@unixgal.com
Wed, 12 Jun 2002 12:45:41 -0700

I just joined the list recently and didn't receive the original 
messages about the issue of failed logins from IMP to either pop or 
IMAP servers, but saw it in the archives.  Since I didn't see a 
solution and I recently figured out this problem on my server I'll 
share what I've learned.

I'm using IMP 3.0 and wanted to set up two server choices, for some 
reason 1 of the servers worked but no others.  I was receiving the 
error message in the mail server logs with "command stream end of 
file while reading line user=??? host=UNKNOWN".

I finally tried using the syntax discussed in the server.php file 
for IMP 3.1 and found that using the imap/notls or pop3/notls fixed 
my issue.  You might want to try changing your config and giving it 
a try.
