[imp] Re: unqualified email address handling in HEAD..

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck@horde.org
Fri, 14 Jun 2002 15:02:11 -0400

Quoting Liam Hoekenga <liamr@umich.edu>:

> It also seems to do this when I use SMTP... but instead of
> username@@nameofwebserver.example.com, I get
> usernname@nameofsmtpserver@example.com
> Any one else running into this?  I'm running HEAD from earlier today.

I don't see this with HEAD and the sendmail mailer; if I send mail 
to 'chuck', it gets sent to chuck@horde.org. Just double checked; same 
results with SMTP.

Any other factors for you that might be affecting things?


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
"What was and what may be, lie, like children whose faces we cannot see, in 
the arms of silence. All we ever have is here, now." - Ursula K. Le Guin