[imp] How to open a different mailox on exchange

Joost De Cock Joost.DeCock@astrid.be
Sat, 15 Jun 2002 14:20:09 +0200

Hi there,

following information might be usefull for some, useless for others, and for 
several of you, it will be nothing new.

When using imp with an exchage server, loging in with:

username=NT account
password=password of that account

takes you to the mailbox that has your account defined as a primary NT account 
(in most cases your personal mailbox).

However, if you want to access a different mailbox, and you have the needed 
rights to do so, you need to use this syntax:

username: NTdomain/NTusername/mailboxalias
password: password of the NTusername above


user: mydomain/administrator/postmaster
pwd: ******

this will open the postmaster mailbox.

Just my 2 cents


PS: The first example (for your own mailbox) assumes that your mailbox alias is 
the same as your username.

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