[imp] problem forwarding attachments

Michael M Slusarz slusarz@bigworm.colorado.edu
Tue, 25 Jun 2002 13:12:13 -0600

Quoting Tad Hunt <tad@entrisphere.com>:

| It looks like IMP rewrites mime attachments in forwarded
| messages to base64, but it doesn't correctly update the mime
| headers so that mail readers (such as MH) can correctly
| extract the information.  In addition, it sets "filename"
| and "name" to "unnamed", when it should really just leave those
| terms off so that the receiving mailer can autogenerate names.

I'm in the process of reworking the attachment code so I will take a look 
at this.  I'm not sure what you mean but "not updating the MIME headers" - 
IMP correctly sets the Encoding type to base64 so all MIME compliant mail 
readers should be able to decode these messages.

| For a recent message that was just forwarded to me from an
| IMP installation I set up, I had to change "message/rfc822"
| to "application/octet-stream" to make MH decode the message.
| In addition, I had to remove all of the ``name="unnamed"'' and
| ``filename="unnamed"'' statements, so that it would autogenerate
| names for all of the parts of the message (instead of naming all
| of the parts ``unnamed'' when it extracted them, thus leaving me with
| nothing but the last part it decoded)

This is strange - there should be no need to switch to application/octet-
stream from message/rfc822.  I will also take a look at this.

BTW, the MIME handling is much improved in the HEAD branch so you might 
want to try that out also.


Michael Slusarz [slusarz@bigworm.colorado.edu]
The University of Colorado at Boulder