[imp] Possible design problem

John C. Amodeo amodeo@admin.rutgers.edu
Wed, 26 Jun 2002 15:53:43 -0400

I *think* I may have found a possible problem with the way user
preferences have been designed.  I am not sure if this topic has been
discussed.  I have searched the list, but have not found any worthwhile

Here's the situation:  I have the following installation on my server:
Horde 2.1
IMP 3.1
Turba 1.1
Using Postgresql for addressbooks and user preferences.

I have multiple servers setup via the "preferred server" option in the
imp/config/servers.php file.  Basically, the one horde/imp installation
points to about 10 different imap servers.

I have users with the same username on different servers.  For instance:


Even though all three "smith" users are distinctly different people,
they all have the same address books and preferences when they login.

How is IMP/turba designed to lookup userid and pull preferences?  Are we
using just "username"?  Wouldn't it make sense to user
"username@mailserver" or something like that?

Maybe someone can clarify this for me.

Thank you.
