[imp] New install not sending - Third repost
Eric Rostetter
Sun, 30 Jun 2002 19:19:47 -0500
Quoting Scott Friedman <scott@freedyhome.com>:
> Hi All
> I'm new to IMP - I installed it on a Red Hat 7.3 box running Postfix and
> Qpopper as
> the POP3 Daemon. I was successful in insatlling Horde and PHP - here are all
> my \
> versions
> IMP - 3.1
> php-4.1.2-7
> php-pgsql-4.1.2-7
> asp2php-0.76.2-1
> php-devel-4.1.2-7
> asp2php-gtk-0.76.2-1
> php-ldap-4.1.2-7
> php-imap-4.1.2-7
> php-4.1.2-0horde1
Why, and How, did you get both the normal php and the Horde php installed
together???? There could be a conflict caused by that! My advise would
be to remove all the php rpms, and then re-install either RedHat's or
Horde's but not both...
> Can someone assist me further in where to look for possible error messages,
> or would \
> like any of my config files.
If I'm reading your output of versions right, my advice is remove all your
php stuff and then reinstall only one php, then try again and post to
the list again if there are any errors...
> Thank you.
Eric Rostetter
The Department of Physics
The University of Texas at Austin
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