[imp] [BUG] IMP's summary pane missing mail folders

Ahmed ashihab@alcahest.com
Wed, 3 Jul 2002 14:22:31 +0100


I've noticed a problem with latest CVS horde/imp when looking at the horde 
summary page, the imp summary pane only shows the INBOX folder, where as 
previous versions showed all folders tagged for "check folder for new mail".

the prefs have not changed in the database and just in case, I've 
reselected new folders to monitor to no avail.

I've tried printing the result of the `$prefs->getValue('nav_poll')' in 
imp/lib/api/php (impSummary function) the value it returns is '' (empty 

That is as far as my php skills extend. Hope this helps track it down.
