[imp] Wrong mimetype

Michael M Slusarz slusarz@bigworm.colorado.edu
Fri, 5 Jul 2002 10:43:12 -0600

Quoting Anders Thorsby <anders@thorsby.dk>:

| I have installed xlhtml and configured my Horde/IMP installation to use
| this 
| feature to show MS Excel documents.
| However, I have noticed that Excel documents I receive is of a 
| application/octet-stream mime-type instead of one of the correct Excel
| mime-
| types. I know this is the senders fault - but it even happens for
| Horde/IMP 
| when sending, and also for all the other mail clients out there.

There is nothing we can do about clients that send excel files 
in 'application/octet-stream' to us.  #1) You must honor the content-type 
of the message sent to you according to RFCs and #2) security concerns.  
For IMP sending - it uses the content-type reported to it by the browser 
when attaching files.  Thus, if your browser/OS doesn't report the correct 
mime type or, more likely, any mime type, the part will be sent as 
application/octet-stream.  We could use MIME_Magic:: class to help us out 
in the case that the browser doesn't send any mime type information - I 
will look into this.  The only problem with this is that if MIME_Magic 
guesses incorrectly, the receiving person will not be able to view the part 


Michael Slusarz [slusarz@bigworm.colorado.edu]
The University of Colorado at Boulder