[imp] Problems Loggin Out

Brad Vedders veddebra@aquinas.edu
Tue, 9 Jul 2002 15:06:05 -0400 (EDT)

I originally posted this problem last week but I have narrowed it down a 
tad further and thought I would post additional details.

I receive the following error message when I logout the first time:

Notice: unserialize() failed at offset 0 of 34 bytes in 
/www/horde/lib/Auth.php on line 249

Warning: Cannot add header information - headers already sent by (output 
started at /www/horde/lib/Auth.php:249) in /www/horde/lib/Secret.php on 
line 97

I originally thought it was due to the fact that I had it redirect on 
logout.  I then started fresh with a new install on another test server 
and set up the most minimal configuration possible.  The problem still 

I have this problem when I have imp set to authenticate horde.  I then 
login by going to https://mailbox.aquinas.edu/horde/imp instead of 
https://mailbox.aquinas.edu/horde  This is successfully logs me in to see 
my mailbox but displays the error upon exit.  If I just login to see the 
horde summary, I do not get the error message.

The problem is that I need users to login to see their mail and not the 
summary.  Traditionally I just sent them to imp when they logged in.  
Should I not be doing this or is this a bug?

I would appreciate any help and sorry for posting the multiple emails 
about this.  I'm using the latest CVS from this morning and PHP 4.2.1.


Brad Vedders, Network Systems Administrator
Aquinas College, Grand Rapids, MI 49506
=>phone (616) 459-8281 x3743
=>email veddebra@aquinas.edu