[imp] sudo sendmail problem

Larry Fine datavortex+sender+6bae77@datavortex.net
Fri, 12 Jul 2002 00:32:24 -0400


I realize it is somewhat poor netiquette to respond to myself, however
I've been hacking at this problem quite fruitlessly, and I was wondering
if I could perhaps ask one more time for some guidance.

Thanks for any help or ideas.

"Data Vortex" <datavortex+sender+6bae77@datavortex.net> invited blackmail
by remarking:

> I did a little hacking, and I inserted the following line into function
> prepareMailerParams(), within horde/imp/lib/IMP.php on line 1020 (after 
>  $params = $conf['mailer']['params'];)  :
> $params['sendmail_path'] = '/usr/bin/sudo -H -u ' . $imp['user'] . '
> /usr/bin/tmda-sendmail -t';

> There was an error sending your message: sendmail [/usr/bin/sudo -H -u
> datavortex /usr/bin/tmda- sendmail -t] not executable