[imp] Filtering issue in IMP
Eric Rostetter
Fri, 12 Jul 2002 13:00:53 -0500
Quoting James <james@james-web.net>:
> When I load my INBOX for the first time, no filters are applied to
> messages, despite the option being checked on in Options->Filters.
I've not seen this, but others have. But then I'm mostly in CVS anyway,
not the tar files...
> I did a few searches on the archives for this and couldn't turn up
> anything.
I remember seeing a CVS comit go by saying it fixed such a problem, probably
about a week ago or so.
> Ideas? Fixed in RELENG?
Not sure about RELENG, but at least in HEAD there was a patch...
> - James
Eric Rostetter
The Department of Physics
The University of Texas at Austin
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