[imp] Question Regarding IMP Login/Compose Functionality

Mark Jacobson markjacobson@tds.net
Tue, 16 Jul 2002 10:27:44 -0500


I have a question regarding IMP functionality that I think may already exist. I
was wondering if someone could confirm this, and possibly let me know if they
have ran into any problems using it.

I am building an Intranet web site that will serve an audience that will be
using IMP 3.0 (or possibly 3.1) as their email client. I would like to make all
email links point to IMP rather than using a mailto: link.

I would like to link to IMP, passing an email address in the query string, have
the user login if they are not already logged in, and end up with a new message
composition window with the To: field auto-filled with the email address I
passed. Optionally, it would be nice to pass Subject, Body, etc. as well.

Yesterday, on imp@lists.horde.org, I saw:


mentioned in an email. I also saw mentions of "LOGIN_COMPOSE" in the CHANGES
file from the 3.1 release.

Does the above confirm the existence of the functionality that I am looking for,
and if so, is there anything I need to look out for? Anyone know if/where this
function might be documented?




Mark Jacobson

Element Design
Phone & Fax: 262-895-2244
Email: markjacobson@tds.net