[imp] Permformance issue
Eric Rostetter
Tue, 16 Jul 2002 15:29:21 -0500
Quoting tomc@teamics.com:
> My 2c:
And a very good "2c" it is!
> No web server or SQL server should be uniprocessor in a production setting.
Well, not exactly true. Our departmental web server runs just fine on
a 266Mhz single CPU system with 128M of ram....
Now, obviously we don't run Horde/IMP on that machine. It actually does
run php/cgi scripts though, not just static content. Not one single
complaint about performance. Of course the load is very low. I know a
lot of small businesses that run production web servers which have hits
in the tens (not hundreds, tens) per day and do very well with a
single cpu system (often off a DSL line).
Now, would I consider running a big site on such a machine? No! But if
you have a small site, with small load (number of hits) it works fine.
> We finally decided it was more cost effective to go with two machines, one
> which was a serious IO monster, the other which was a dual xeon with 4gb
> ram and etherchannel capable network cards. Place a private 100baseT
> between the two machines, and good to go. Backups run on the IMAP server.
We're heading in a similar direction on several large projects, except we
have yet to decide/do the private interface. We simply etherchannel 4
100 full duplex lines, and run everything over them. Can you give any
performance (not security/reliability data) on the effect of having a
private line between them rather than using the etherchanneled cards?
Feel free to reply off-list if you want. :)
> We also liked the split configuration because the performance/capacity
> calculations indicate that should we double the number of clients, we only
> need to add another web front end, because the incremental load on the imap
> server does not increase as rapidly as the http in relation to the number
> of active accounts.
We've also seen this for our non-Horde applications, and hence are moving
to this setup also.
> We watch the performance and latency on the link between the two machines,
> because that could present latency problems for imap.
I'd love to hear more about this.
> Certainly your mileage will vary, and there are probably hundreds of other
> 'correct' answers given the same inputs.
> tc
Eric Rostetter
The Department of Physics
The University of Texas at Austin
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