[imp] Losing track of message ID?

gpreston@ycp.edu gpreston@ycp.edu
Wed, 24 Jul 2002 10:23:06 -0400

Has anybody else experienced a problem like this?  It happens when viewing
messages in a folder that has well over a few hundred emails in it and the list
is sorted in descending order.  When viewing the most recent mails (so the ones
on the last page) a user may delete a few mails, then purge them, and when
clicking on a newly received message, an error similar to the following occurs:

Notice: Undefined index: 661 in /web/htdocs/horde/imp/message.php on line 260

Warning: Cannot add header information - headers already sent by (output started
at /web/htdocs/horde/imp/message.php:260) in /web/htdocs/horde/imp/message.php
on line 458 

It seems that IMP is assigning this new email an invalid ID number, so that when
the user clicks on this new email, message.php is given an ID that does not
exist and can't open the email.

I have unfortunatey been able to duplicate this myself because I never have more
than 30 or so messages in my INBOX at any given time, but some of my coworkers
who receive superfluous amounts of email every day run into this problem on a
somewhat regular basis.  I'll continue looking into this and seeing if I can
find some more information that may be of use to help figure this quirk out.

By the way, I am using Horde 2.1 and Imp 3.1 on an Apache 2.0.39 server with PHP
4.2.2 and all of the other little components needed.


Gabe Preston
Junior Network Administrator
York College of Pennsylvania